Recruitment Redefined The Paramount Importance of Attitude

The most important factor in recruitment is Attitude

Recruitment has developed to be an important challenge for every industry. Newbies require time & prolonged training to start working output. Hence the industries prefer experienced professionals who can adapt and start performing from day 1. Hasty recruitment has always led to post recruitment issues, such as under performance, absconding and many more. Human Resource professionals continue to try hard to identify the best candidates who can stay with the company for considerable time. HR identification parameters are knowledge, experience, domain knowledge and cost to company (CTC).

We believe that the most important parameter “attitude” followed by team work, empathy and leadership skills for the best candidate. Series of scenario based questions should be asked based on these parameters. This article reveals everything you need to know about attitude and how it will help grow your organisation’s revenue. Keep scrolling.

Reasons why organisations are more focused on candidate’s attitude than skills

An organisation recruitment should give importance for soft skills as much as knowledge & experience. Skills can be learned & acquired; however, the learning attitude is genetic and developed from within. There are professionals & talented people in every industry. An organisation can recruit the best talent for a higher price. Learning, working with the team, understanding challenges & NO finger pointing attitude is absolutely required. Result of hasty recruitment are solo performers, good talkers but no performance, overconfidence, treating others less, type of candidates. Generally they fill the demand and create bigger problems at a later stage.
All industries & companies must give primary preference to “collaborating, learning, teamwork & leadership” attitude.

Here are some points for future consideration.;

Job demands are evolving

With new technologies and everyday inventions, more jobs get created and to meet this demand, organisations need someone to quickly adapt these technologies and work on them. It is not always crucial that the candidate you hired for a particular skill will fit into another skill. Also, that candidate might be reluctant to do so.

In such a scenario, if you hire a candidate who is positive in attitude and understands today’s needs, he or she could easily fit into the role you want and be open to learning new skills.

Positive attitude is hard to find

You can teach anyone technical skills as no one was born with them. But a positive and right attitude is something that you can not teach anyone. Therefore, choosing a candidate who already has a positive approach to everything will solve many of your problems.

Don’t worry if a job seeker does not have the required skills. He or she would learn those skills by doing short courses and upgrading themselves. Or your organisations can also organise some training sessions to improve their skills.

Right minded people work in a team

You’ll find positive-minded people working in a team without any problems. They know how to tackle situations and work in a team. They always look for solutions rather than taking them personally. They know the importance of being team players and work accordingly.

Keep work attitude in different situations

After covid-19, we all witnessed a massive shift in the work culture. Suddenly everything became virtual, and employees and employers had to work from home and manage everything virtually. So while taking an interview, create a situation where a candidate needs to work from home and observe how the candidate reacts.

Does that candidate have the ability to work in any situation? Note how he communicates with you while giving an answer. If he sounds diplomatic, the person is not suitable for your company. On the other hand, if the candidate has previous experience, check his records with past employers. That would help you understand his past work attitude.

Handle work pressure

When there is work to be finished and the deadline is close, employees need to work overtime. But many employees give excuses for not working overtime. As a result, you want candidates who can handle work pressure and, more importantly, enjoy their work.

When you get right-minded and positive attitude candidates, they enjoy their work and lower the stress among the other team members, eventually creating a positive environment in the organisation.

Now the question is how to find the candidate with a positive yet right attitude. Well, it is not that complicated to do so. Let’s get the answer to your “how”.

Tips to find the right candidate for your organisation

“Attitude” is misunderstood by many. You definitely have heard people saying, she gave me an attitude, I don’t like that person’s attitude, etc. But there is a vast difference between right and wrong attitude. If you want to determine the attitude of the candidate, you have to observe him from the time he steps in your organisation. You can do this by following below tips;

#1 Ask your receptionist to pay attention to the candidates

When a candidate steps in, he sits in the waiting area (usually) where the receptionist can observe his behaviour closely. This is when he thinks no one is watching over him and is most likely to show his true colours. Ask your receptionist to watch over the candidate before and after the interview. By paying attention to details, you’ll get to know a lot more about the candidate.

#2 Ask them about their biggest failure

While taking an interview, ask your candidate about his biggest failure and why it happened. When he answers, observe his attitude rather than the facts he tells. Listen carefully to his answer and action. Does he blame it on someone else? Does he take responsibility on his own shoulder? How did he deal with it? Does he feel sorry about it? Is he playing with his fingers or twisting his legs?

#3 Try rejecting the candidate

Though you like the candidate’s answers, test his patience and how he reacts to rejection. If he doesn’t ask for any explanation of rejection and simply walks away, he obviously has no positive attitude. In such cases, the conversation may turn out ugly if the candidate is not used to hearing no.

On the other hand, if the candidate has a positive attitude, he is more likely to accept the rejection calmly and ask you why you rejected him and convince you in such a way that you’ll get convinced to hire him.


We understand running an organisation is filled with daily challenges, and to smoothen the workflow, it is vital to find the right candidates. Indeed there are posts where skills and years of experience are required, but neglecting the attitude factor will have long-term consequences. Purpose of this article is to generate awareness & educate the next generation that having skills & years of experience is not enough. Attitude & communication skills are equally important and efforts should be made to develop, polish & master everyday.