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What is a normal day of a Scrum Master?

Posts: 41
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Joined: 2 years ago

Here are 2 distinct answers by 2 experience professionals 

Here is a more or less exact transcript of a day in life of me as a ScrumMaster: - Angela Druckman

  • 8:30am - daily Scrum. Learn that Arjun is blocked because he has not yet heard from Customer Service as to who, exactly, will be doing UAT for us on the current project. Promise I will follow up on this
  • 8:40am - hear that Josh is yet again “working on” story #1. Wonder if he is blocked…but he says no. Resolve to follow up later if this if it seem he needs help and is just unwilling/ unable to ask for it
  • 10AM - Tiana comes to me. A manager in Finance has been coming to her directly “because we are friends” to get work done on the side. She knows this will threaten the sprint commitment but she “doesn’t want him to be mad”…I intervene and smooth things over with the manager
  • 1pm - the VP of Customer Service calls me in a semi-rage wanting to know why the application we promised has not yet been delivered. “You people need to step it up!” he admonishes. After which we discuss the lack of UAT people…he resolves to get the right people in touch with me asap. I hope for the best…
  • 3:30pm - Senior VP calls and says our org has been gaining a bit of attention for our dedication to agile principles and Scrum. He says a “news organization” wants to come onsite tomorrow and could we please be ready for “a few photos and questions.” Hastily message the team to not wear pitted-out Nirvana t-shirts to work tomorrow and to be ready for questions about how and why we work the way we do.



Scrum Master in India - Mridula Rao 

  • I am a Scrum Master in India office working as part of a distributed scrum team (Spread across in the US, Dublin, and India office). All my scrum ceremonies happen in the evening of India time. My day typically starts in the morning with checking my emails that need my attention. These can be any follow up item from my Product owner, any blocker called out by my team member, any reports required for the stakeholders, etc.
  • Once I am in the office, (typically mid noon) I first open the sprint board to see the progress on the tickets in the current sprint. Check the burndown chart, give the team a reminder in case there are any work logs that are missing. I ensure that I spend some time with each team member in co-location just to check on how he/she is doing. It is important for me as a scrum master to get the pulse of the team and guard them against any distractions.
  • We follow two weeks sprint in this project. I am the SM for two of the agile teams. Depending on which day of the week it is, I prepare for the scrum ceremony in the afternoon. So for Backlog grooming or planning, I ensure that the agenda is clearly stated to the team so that the team can come prepared for the ceremony. We do development work in two platforms so ensuring that all the designs, people who must be part of the ceremony are attending, ensuring the material needed for the ceremony is in place and the call happens smoothly as per the agenda.
  • On the day I have retrospective for any of the team which by the way is my favourite ceremony in the scrum, I spend extra time browsing expert materials and look for online content to make it interesting. I like to include gamification in retro. This is a challenge for me since the team is distributed therefore I research for tools that help in facilitating this smoothly. I ensure that I have a good look at action items from the previous sprint and have a plan for open items in the current retro.
  • Apart from the above, connect with other SM's in the organisation for knowledge sharing. Coach and mentor team who are in the transformation stage. Plan for monthly team building activities. Ad-hoc interviews to grow the community.



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