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What is Schedule Network Diagram?

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A Schedule Network Diagram is a graphical representation of the logical relationships among the project schedule activities. Use this diagram to identify the critical path and float within the project schedule. The most used project network diagram type is the activity on node, also called a precedence diagram.

A project schedule network diagram requires understanding key terms and applying them to the network diagram. For example,

  • Activity Dependency: relationships among activities that shape the sequence in which the activities can be started and must be completed within the overall schedule.
  • Arrows: graphical representation of activity connection, sequence, and interdependency
  • Critical Path: the longest sequence of activities that must be completed for the project to be finished on time.
  • Float: the amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting a successor activity (free float) or the amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the project end date (total float)
  • Lag: the amount of time needed between two dependent activities
  • Lead: the amount of time an activity can be accelerated in relation to a preceding activity
  • Predecessor: an activity that must happen before another can begin
  • Successor: an activity that must happen after a previous activity concludes